Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Sex differances in learning in chimpanzees Essay

The Sex differances in learning in chimpanzees - Essay Example In specific, this paper has selected an article, ‘Sex Differences in Learning in Chimpanzees’ (Lonsdorf et al, 2004) that is a synopsis of a four-year longitudinal study carried out at Gombe National Park in Tanzania on wild chimpanzees. Primarily, the paper will attempt to provide a brief summation of the mentioned article that will enable the reader to understand basic and important findings, as well as limitations of this article. In this article, as earlier mentioned, wild chimpanzee of Gombe National Park in Tanzania were the participants of this four-year longitudinal study, and experts attempted to identify the sexual differences in the learning process and practice of these chimpanzees during the study. Findings of the study indicated that chimpanzees were skillful in the utilization of flexible tools for hunting termites from their mounds. Plantations were the only source of such tools that enabled chimpanzees to ‘fish for termites’ and eat them after extraction from the termite heaps. Experts (Lonsdorf et al, 2004) specified that chimpanzee culture of the local environment indicated that utilization of tools was a common practice for chimpanzees that used tools for various purposes. In addition, experts revealed that various studies have indicated that chimpanzees are the most intelligible non-human species to utilize tools for different purposes. Experts also disclosed that social learning and interaction capabilities of chimpanzees were some of the basic factors that cause such a varying range of utilization of tools in their communities. Article denoted that the experts focused on fourteen chimpanzees below eleven years of age during the period of four months, and paid attention to their interaction with their chimpanzee mothers during fishing sessions for the termites. Analysis of fishing practices and social interaction in the chimpanzee community indicated that chimpanzees of both genders interacted

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

From job interview to promoting a business how effective is marketing Dissertation

From job interview to promoting a business how effective is marketing yourself - Dissertation Example In both situations there are certain things that are important to do. I would like to study how effectively marketing yourself works in both situations. 2. Focus for the Study My research topic is the importance of marketing yourself in a job interview or in promoting a business. One of the first things that people say when you are reading books on this topic is that everyone should become a networker both online and offline. Tara Hunt, author of the book, The Whuffie Factor, states that online networking is essential to gaining more business or to find a job. She explains that "whuffie is the residual outcome-the currency of your reputation" (4). She goes on to say that you can build it or ruin it based on what you do in the community and what people think about you. This is one way to look at marketing yourself because you are putting yourself or your business into the public eye and you want to make sure that people see you in the best light. John Milton Fogg adds more focus to th is discussion because he tells people through a story, that networking is about building relationships. If you build solid relationships by helping others, they will in turn help you. Networking seems to be the most effective way of marketing yourself. ... The new way of networking is to know what someone needs and let them know your skills and abilities and how you can help their company (74). This method seems to be very important because you have to know your own skills and abilities before you can tell someone else about them. Networking is not the only aspect of marketing yourself. Jim Kukral states that people must understand they must think "out of the box" when marketing a business. This means that people must become very creative and find ways of marketing that others have not found (62). In other words, this will set them apart from others in their field. He continues that successful business people understand that they must get someone to react to something they do in order for them to pay attention (65). In other words, if you are opening for a job interview or creating a business, you have to do something different to get people to pay attention. Personality place a large part in marketing yourself because some people have stronger personalities than others. Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger suggest that by understanding your own personality type, you can make better decisions about a job or a business and how it will work with your personality. Marketing yourself through your personality does have validity because people seem to hire people they like who can do their job. The Home Shopping channel is one example of how businesses market themselves in this arena. They have to do something different in order to set themselves apart from the other types of businesses like them in order for people to want to buy their product. Susan Berson, a lawyer specializing in finance, states that marketing is important to business because it helps people find current clients who can later provide