Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Running Head. Response Paper 1 Response Paper 3. Advanced

Running head: RESPONSE PAPER 1 RESPONSE PAPER 3 Advanced Criminological Theory Nathan Kelley Arizona State University Response Paper Crime in the 20th century has become one of the most widely studied areas of research. Today, I am going to briefly outline some of the theories of crime that are used to study the subject. What I will be evaluating these theories against will be small scale property crime such as theft. Classical theory states that crime is committed when there are more benefits to committing the crime than punishments. It also states that crime is a choice and is done with free will (Beccaria, 2013). Positivist’s theory says that biological defects are what lead to crime (Lombroso, 2013). Additionally, that criminal’s had†¦show more content†¦As well, it says that if the behavior is reinforced that it will be repeated and likely become habitual (Sutherland Cressey, 2013). If this theory is used in the right context, it can explain why individuals commit property crime. Through a series of socializations and delinquent acts a person can become reinforced in their actions of property crime. An example would be a younger sibling watching his older sibling stealing a bike and getting away with it. This reinforces to the younger sibling if he chooses to steal a bike that he too may get away unscathed. According to Warr Stafford (1991) the effect of the behaviors of friends vs the attitude of friends had a 2.5 to 5 times greater effect on their peers. Subculture theory suggests that there are â€Å"decent families† and â€Å"street families† the difference being their values. Decent families reflect mainstream values that tend to counteract the negative effect of the area they live in. Street families tend to oppose the mainstream society and they value violence, manliness, and toughness (Anderson, 2013). This theory doesn’t necessarily explain why property crime happens, but I do feel it explains the categories of people who may commit it. Since decent families reflect mainstream values I think this would lead me to believe these are not the type of people committing property crimes. With street families and their victim orShow MoreRelatedFunctional Requirements Of The App1453 Words   |  6 PagesFunctional requirements of the app 1. The app would provide a bible verse every day for the users. 2. The app would provide a new word to learn every day. 3. Users would have access to popular bible verses every day and are able to view verses from previous days. 4. The app would provide a new game or quiz connected to the word and verse of the day. 5. App promotes creativity, critical thinking and imagination. 6. The app would be user-friendly with easy navigation for effective use. 7. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Hitler s Influence On The Nazi Party - 1568 Words

When Hitler decided to use the Jewish as an escape route to blaming them for problems and ruining Germany’s reputation, it would be common to assume that no one would support him or his Nazi party. Unfortunately, this was not the case. It is very hard for me personally to grasp how it is possible that the German people could simply go along with the persecution of Jews and how they were going about it. However, I think that the bystanding and acceptance might have occurred mainly because of the idea of a â€Å"Master Race.† When Hitler gave his speeches, he made quite sure to stir up all sorts of pride, emotion, and nationalism within the Germans. One of his tactics was to make everyone he was speaking to felt somewhat special. By making them†¦show more content†¦People started to look up to him and feel gratitude at what he has accomplished for them. I don’t know if this is the case, but Germans may have simply turned the other cheek because it was easier that way. Life was getting better for them, so what was the difference if they stood up for them? One of the last reasons that I think the German people may have gone along with the persecution of Jews was because it gave them too an easy escape as to blame them for the happenings and horrible post-war world in Germany. Overall, in my opinion, the main reasons that the Germans may have gone along with the Nazi’s persecution against Jews was to make it easier for them and to avoid conflict, prove to themselves and others they wer e the true Aryan and master race, and lastly, to find someone to blame just as Hitler had done. Section 3: Question 8: In 1938, a young Jewish man named Herschel Grynszpan murdered a German officer living in Paris as revenge for something the Germans had done to his father. This sparked an attack on Jews living in Germany. It became known as Kristallnacht which means â€Å"Night of the Broken Glass.† German troops and the SS raided and stormed homes that had belonged to Jews. It was the turning point and beginning for one of the worst times in history†¦ The Holocaust. When Hitler initially began persecuting Jews, he would take over cities and begin to starve the Jews that were now forced to live in the cities or ghettos.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Doing Business In Thailand Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Making Business In Thailand Essay, Research Paper Making Business in THAILAND Thailand? s dining economic system has encouraged me to get down a new concern relationship with a extremely recognized Thai company. I maker a line of merchandises for the sugar processing industry. I late signed a annual contract with Thai Chemiclas and Engineering Co. Ltd. , located in Bangkok, to be my sole representative in the Thailand country. Thai Chemicals and Engineering will advance my merchandise line and acquire it into the all the sugar Millss in the country. They will buy two containers per month for which we have negotiated a compatible monetary value. The containers will be transporting out of Savannah, Georgia with a concluding finish of the port of Bangkok. The transportation footings will be CIF: Bangkok. I decided to utilize a local company to stand for my merchandise line for assorted grounds. First of all, I need person that knows the civilization and concern environment who has an established relationship with other locals. Once my merchandises become known, I would wish to set up a mill in Thailand. Therefore, I found it necessary to garner all the information required to get down a new concern in Thailand. Establishing Business or a Factory Although concern can be 100 % owned by foreign investors, some are reserved for 51 % Thai ownership. Peoples of any nationalities can take part in ownership to changing grades: through exclusive ownership, a limited company /corporation, an ordinary partnership, a limited partnership, or a subdivision of a foreign corporation. The Ministry of Commerce # 8217 ; s Department of Commercial Registration is straight in charge of company enrollment. The Stock Exchange of Thailand The Stock Exchange of Thailand ( SET ) is a well-developed fiscal establishment which welcomes foreign investing. Tax Corporate income revenue enhancement rate is 30 % Conveyance Bangkok # 8217 ; s modern Don Muang International Airport can easy function your reachings or connexions. Thailand is equipped with an extended and ever-developing conveyance substructure and an extended state-run rail system. There are legion transporting ports including Bangkok # 8217 ; s Klong Toey Port and the Eastern Seaboard # 8217 ; s Mab Ta Phut and Laem Chabang deep-sea ports within 200 kilometers of Bangkok. Working Hours Typical concern hours are: for Bankss and fiscal establishments, Monday # 8211 ; Friday 9:30 a.m. # 8211 ; 3:30 p.m. ; Government offices, Monday -Friday 8:30 a.m. # 8211 ; 4:30 p.m. ( closed midday # 8211 ; 1 p.m. ) ; private concern, Monday # 8211 ; Friday from 8:30 p.m. # 8211 ; 5:30 p.m. Import POLICIES Duties The Royal Thai Government ( RTG ) has been cut downing import responsibilities and trade barriers as portion of its duties as a founding member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) and as a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations # 8217 ; ( ASEAN ) Free Trade Area ( AFTA ) . Import licensing A Factory Establishment Licence must be obtained from the Ministry of Industry. Fees depend on machinery power evaluation and the figure of employees. Customss barriers Arbitrary imposts rating processs constitute another barrier to U.S. exports. The Thai Customs Department may utilize as a cheque monetary value the highest antecedently invoiced monetary value of a merchandise imported from any given state and may ignore existent invoiced values in favour of the cheque monetary value for appraisal intents. GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT On June 6, 1995, the Thai Cabinet approved a policy to necessitate, on a instance by instance footing, countertrade on authorities procurance contracts valued at over 500 million tical ( $ 20 million ) Export SUBSIDIES Thailand maintains several plans that subsidize exports, including discriminatory funding for exporters. Thailand # 8217 ; s export-import bank, established in September 1993, is responsible for some of these plans, peculiarly the wadding recognition plan. LACK OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECTION One of the most outstanding trade issues between the United States and Thailand has been the extent of Thailand # 8217 ; s protection for U.S. right of first publication, patent and hallmark holders. The Kingdom of Thailand respects all international Torahs sing right of first publications and hallmarks. Copyright Thailand passed a new right of first publication jurisprudence in December 1994 that strengthened legal right of first publication protection and increased the punishments for copyright violation Hallmarks Amendments to the hallmark jurisprudence in 1992 provide higher punishments for violation and widen protection to services, enfranchisement, and corporate Markss. SERVICES Barriers Professional services Under current Thai ordinance, merely individuals of Thai nationality may be licensed in many professional services, including accounting, architecture, technology, building direction, securities firm services and legal services. However, there is be aftering to revise these ordinances. Investing Barriers The proclamation of National Executive Council No. 281, normally known as the Alien Business Law, limits foreign equity in many Tai houses to less than 50 per centum. The Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between Thailand and the United States provides for 100 percent U.S. ownership of companies in most industries. Businesss in the Fieldss of communications, conveyance, fiducial maps, natural resources, or trade in agricultural merchandises are excluded from pact coverage. ANTI-COMPETITIVE Practices The Communications Authority of Thailand imposes rigorous equity and gross sharing demands on International Value Added Network Service ( IVANs ) suppliers. In decision, The World Bank predicts that Thailand will be the universe # 8217 ; s eighth largest economic system within 20 old ages by the twelvemonth 2020. Thailand will hold a larger economic system than Brazil, Britain, France, Italy and Taiwan. Thailand # 8217 ; s ain National Economic and societal Development Board has seen a doubling of the economic system in the twelvemonth 2000 and the Kingdom ranking foremost in Southeast Asia, among the seven ASEAN provinces. I feel that this is the perfect timing to put and I am confident that my concern will thrive.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Litter Problem/Solution free essay sample

Recently, residents who live near the Buheirah Corniche have increasingly faced the problem of people leaving litter which often ends up in the lagoon. To put an end to the littering, Sharjah Municipality and the semi-private environmental company Beeah are coordinating to draft a new law to punish people who litter. The current fine for littering ranges from Dh200 to Dh250, but the new draft law aims to increase the penalty to Dh2,000. Naina from Sharjah said, â€Å"It is high time that fines were imposed for littering. If a Dh 200 fine already exists why are people still littering? Are there any officers checking on people littering and fining them? Most areas are untidy and plastic bottles, cans etc are seen lying on the streets. I have seen people drinking soft drinks and throwing the can on the road even though there is a trash bin nearby. Nobody is worried about having to pay fine or of being caught littering. We will write a custom essay sample on Litter Problem/Solution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People have to change their attitudes and understand that they need to keep their locality clean. An awareness programme has to be initiated first. People need to be told that littering would mean paying a heavy fine. Matthew from Dubai commented that even a small amount of litter can make a big difference. † A soda can tossed on a lawn or accumulated cigarette butts along the curb degrade the neighborhood and encourage more litter. Nobody likes to live in a community with trash lying around everywhere. I believe that it’s about time that we started to take interest in this problem. I think the authorities need to put up signs educating the public about the dangers of littering. I believe it can make a difference if your signs are good and get peoples attention. If all this doesn’t work, then the authorities should start to punish and penalize the people who litter. â€Å" Ali from Sharjah added, â€Å"I have always been alarmed by the sight of litter in the Qasba Corniche. It is such a beautiful place, but unfortunately, people don’t seem to appreciate this and leave the place filthy with their litter, especially with plastic bags. Although there are a large number of recycling bins kept by Beeah, people throw garbage all around, except in the bin! I believe more initiative should be taken in educating people about the effects of littering. †