Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Hitler s Influence On The Nazi Party - 1568 Words

When Hitler decided to use the Jewish as an escape route to blaming them for problems and ruining Germany’s reputation, it would be common to assume that no one would support him or his Nazi party. Unfortunately, this was not the case. It is very hard for me personally to grasp how it is possible that the German people could simply go along with the persecution of Jews and how they were going about it. However, I think that the bystanding and acceptance might have occurred mainly because of the idea of a â€Å"Master Race.† When Hitler gave his speeches, he made quite sure to stir up all sorts of pride, emotion, and nationalism within the Germans. One of his tactics was to make everyone he was speaking to felt somewhat special. By making them†¦show more content†¦People started to look up to him and feel gratitude at what he has accomplished for them. I don’t know if this is the case, but Germans may have simply turned the other cheek because it was easier that way. Life was getting better for them, so what was the difference if they stood up for them? One of the last reasons that I think the German people may have gone along with the persecution of Jews was because it gave them too an easy escape as to blame them for the happenings and horrible post-war world in Germany. Overall, in my opinion, the main reasons that the Germans may have gone along with the Nazi’s persecution against Jews was to make it easier for them and to avoid conflict, prove to themselves and others they wer e the true Aryan and master race, and lastly, to find someone to blame just as Hitler had done. Section 3: Question 8: In 1938, a young Jewish man named Herschel Grynszpan murdered a German officer living in Paris as revenge for something the Germans had done to his father. This sparked an attack on Jews living in Germany. It became known as Kristallnacht which means â€Å"Night of the Broken Glass.† German troops and the SS raided and stormed homes that had belonged to Jews. It was the turning point and beginning for one of the worst times in history†¦ The Holocaust. When Hitler initially began persecuting Jews, he would take over cities and begin to starve the Jews that were now forced to live in the cities or ghettos.

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