Friday, January 3, 2020

Project Management A Successful Project Manager - 885 Words

1. Successful project managers possesses the following characteristics: They are visionary with a clear objective, they communicate with their team about their objectives, how to achieve and distributing the responsibilities. Thereby, making a feasible road map to achieve the objective. They are structured; work on proper alignment, creating a feasible and workable environment with clear objective, motive and proper direction. Making plan layout and action plans and executing as per the plan properly says that a project manager is efficient. A successful project manager loves his work and enjoys taking more responsibilities and challenges in his field. Team building; a successful project manager builds his team with effective communication, impartial or unbiased decisions and management skills. Strong interpersonal skills such as responding, listening to team members and leading their teams from the front makes a project manager successful. They follow discipline, that influences their team members, and the team follow the same trend. Sometimes the unsuccessful project managers do mistakes while managing global operations. While managing global operation one should keep in mind that cultural difference is obvious. Understanding and adjusting with the foreign clients, colleagues and environment become difficult for them. The project manager who involves in global operations should keep in mind that the laws and orders in different countries differ. A failed project managerShow MoreRelatedProject Management : A Successful Project Manager973 Words   |  4 Pagesbe a successful Project Manager, one must know how to go about managing projects successfully. Not every project is the same therefore not every project should be handled the same. 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